Google Confirms GSC Latency Bugs

Ah, Google announced in June that they would be updating their spam filters, with completion expected this week.Recently, some users noticed fluctuations in their data. Personally, I've also observed that my GSC account hasn't been updated for over 50 hours now (I've seen others on Reddit mentioning the same).But this isn't the first time. Let's take a moment to look back together.

The Latency Bug Phenomenon

This year has been a rollercoaster for GSC users. One of the most unsettling developments has been the latency issues that have recently plagued the platform. Specifically, data from the Google Search Console working to fix search performance delays & latency have left many webmasters scratching their heads, wondering if they should switch career paths to professional online poker players instead.

The Severity and Scope of the Issue

Firstly, let's talk numbers and dates because, as they say, the devil is in the details. Around August 23rd to 24th, 2023, GSC suffered an internal problem that caused significant data loss. Users noted a steep decline in their performance metrics, specifically clicks and impressions, making it look like the Grinch had stolen all their holiday traffic. Google's team assured users this was only a reporting glitch, emphasizing that no actual clicks or impressions were lost.

In subsequent months, additional logging errors were reported. For instance, from March 28 to April 2, 2024, GSC failed to log AMP pages and Web Stories in Google Images properly. A similar glitch occurred from May 15 to May 27, affecting product snippets (Data anomalies in Search Console). These intervals might seem short, but in the fast-paced digital marketing world, even a day can feel like an eternity.

Specific Incidents and Dates

Here are some specific incidents that have been confirmed:

  • August 23-24, 2023: An internal problem caused data loss, reflecting a drop in Search and Discover performance (SERoundtable).
  • March 28-April 2, 2024: A logging error prevented reports on AMP pages and Web Stories in Google Images .
  • May 15-27, 2024: Another logging hiccup affected reporting on product snippets (Data anomalies in Search Console).

Gee, Google sure knows how to keep us on our toes!

The Technical Impact on Reporting

Let's switch gears and delve into what these latency issues entail technically. When GSC experiences latency bugs or data anomalies, it often means that its servers are either underperforming or failing to capture and log the data appropriately. This results in incomplete performance reports, erasing any chance of a "complete picture" when analyzing traffic trends.

Lost In Translation: Impressions and Clicks

One common symptom across these bugs was the misreporting of impressions and clicks. For example, during the March 28-April 2 error, GSC failed to log AMP pages and Web Stories. This meant the reported metrics could not tell the full story of how well your AMP pages and Web Stories were doing in Google Images. Imagine if Tom Hanks's volleyball friend Wilson abruptly disappeared—yep, that sudden and impactful!

The bug between May 15 to May 27 also caused confusion. The error artificially inflated clicks and impressions for Product snippets (Data anomalies in Search Console). This was due to a logging error, not an actual change in traffic—essentially your aunt who keeps forwarding chain emails isn't actually sending more emails; your email provider just decided to miscount.

Google’s Response and User Reactions

You might be thinking, “Well, Google's probably all over this, right?” Sort of. Google has noted these issues and confirmed they're only logging errors, not actual traffic discrepancies (Search Engine Roundtable). Additionally, the company has been transparent in acknowledging these issues publicly.

However, user reactions range from mild annoyance to outright anger. On social media platforms like Twitter, users shared their woes. For example, tweets abound about the August 23rd issue where performance data abruptly declined, attributing it to an update or a bug. John Mueller of Google's Search team admitted, “Something's stuck; I don't have much more at the moment” (SERoundtable). To which one user poignantly replied, “Well, that’s just fabulous, John.”

A Historical Perspective on GSC Bugs

It’s not like this is the first time GSC has had a hiccup. Oh no, this tool has a rich history of bugs, glitches, and data discrepancies. Examining MoreVisibility’s blog, it becomes clear that GSC’s journey has been anything but smooth. Issues with data integrity have been recurring for years, affecting everything from crawl stats to mobile usability reports.

A Trip Down Memory Lane

Here's a timeline for those interested in reliving the past:

Date Issue
2019 Various crawl error bugs corrected
July 2020 Mobile-First Indexing delayed due to COVID-19
August 2020 API upgrade with backward compatibility
Numerous dates in 2023-24 Reported latency bugs and anomalies

The Frequent Flyer Club

Given this spotty history, one might wonder just how reliable GSC truly is. Yes, it’s a valuable tool, but should you bet the farm on it? Absolutely not. It’s best used in conjunction with other metrics and tools like Google Analytics to ensure you’re not basing critical decisions on flawed data.

Mitigation and Workarounds

In light of these issues, it's essential to have backup plans and alternative strategies for mitigating the impact.

Validate Data with Multiple Sources

While GSC data is invaluable, it's crucial to validate it against other sources such as Google Analytics or third-party tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush. When GSC data looks off, these other metrics can provide a more stable reference, much like when you ask a second opinion to clarify if that's really your uncle in that embarrassing viral video.

Proactively Monitor Anomalies

Keep an eye on official updates from Google Support and communities like Search Engine Roundtable. They often post about ongoing issues and can alert you if something’s wrong. Understanding these anomalies early can help you adjust reporting and expectations swiftly.

Communication Is Key

If you're managing client accounts, keeping an open line of communication about potential data issues is critical. Explain to clients that their traffic hasn't dropped like a bungee jumper but is merely the result of incorrect reporting. Transparency can help maintain trust even when the data isn't there to back up your claims of improvement.


At the end of the day, Google Search Console is an essential tool for any SEO professional or webmaster. However, its recurring latency bugs and reporting issues suggest it's more a trusty old family car than a brand-new Tesla. We should appreciate it, take care of it, but always keep an eye on the dashboard for any warning lights.

The recent bugs highlighted here—be it the misreporting of clicks and impressions or the latency in performance reporting—serve as reminders that while GSC is powerful, it's not flawless. Always cross-check with other data sources and keep abreast of updates from the official GSC support page and community forums.

In this marathon of digital performance tracking, remember to keep your cool and your humor intact. After all, as chaotic as GSC may be, it’s just another twist in the unpredictable digital journey we’re all on. So keep those reports updated, double-check your data, and maybe, just maybe, consider adding “Digital Firefighter” to your business card.

Stay tuned and stay savvy, dear SEO warriors! Cheers to fewer bugs and more seamless reporting!

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