Will Google Search AI Impact Traditional SEO?

Well, it appears the winds of change are blowing, and boy, are they blowing hard. The traditional SEO (Search Engine Optimization) scene is about to get a considerable shake-up thanks to Google’s shiny new toy, the AI-powered generative search experience. Let's dive into the stormy seas of SEO and AI to find out just how much google search AI is going to impact our tried-and-true SEO practices.

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Google's AI-powered generative search experience represents a paradigm shift from traditional search methodologies.

Traditionally, SEO was about matching keywords to queries and hoping for the best. It involved a careful game of cat and mouse, entangling with algorithms to get those precious top rankings on the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) (Fathom).

Now, AI’s forte lies in understanding not just the "what" but the "why" behind search queries. Imagine a user's search for "best cakes in town" transforming into a deeper exploration of "how to pick a birthday cake?" or "what's the best cake for a party?" This shift from keyword-centric optimization to an intent and context-driven strategy is what we’re staring down the barrel at (Irwin, 2024).

Traditional SEO Practices – Will They Survive?

Before you run out screaming "the sky is falling," let me assure you: traditional "white hat" SEO tactics are still valid. Despite the AI hoopla, continuing to use your authentic voice and leveraging AI to rank that personal voice at the top of Google remains essential (Gurtova, 2024).

The era of simple keyword stuffing and backlinking without a strategy, however, is coming to an end. AI algorithms are evolving to prioritize user experience and relevance over keyword matching. This will require SEO practitioners to switch gears, investing in AI tools and technologies, and sharpening their analytical skills to decipher and leverage AI-driven insights (Cohen, 2024).

The Power of Personalization

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The Holy Grail of Search: User Intent

AI’s superpower is interpreting vast amounts of data to deliver personalized and contextually relevant search results. This means businesses need to prioritize user experience over random keyword optimization. Google’s algorithms can now analyze a user’s history, preferences, and context to generate more accurate results (Monaco, 2024).

Technical SEO: Still in Vogue

Technical aspects like website loading speed, mobile optimization, structured data, and user experience will become even more significant in the AI-driven era. AI and machine learning algorithms can account for these factors when ranking websites, making technical SEO a crucial area of focus (Ahmed, 2024).

The Snippet Craze

One of the more tangible impacts of AI in search is the increased importance of featured snippets and rich content formats. AI-generated results often feature concise and informative answers, making it critical for businesses to optimize their content to appear in these valuable snippets (Irwin, 2024).

SEO's Evolving Landscape: Challenges and Opportunities

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Increased Competition

AI's ability to produce large amounts of content quickly and cheaply means fiercer competition for search rankings. As AI writing becomes more prevalent, SEO will grow more complex and competitive.

Reduced Organic Traffic

Considering Google's AI overview could lead to an 18-64% decrease in organic traffic for some sites, particularly those with informational-type queries, SEO strategies need to be revisited. SEO specialists need to monitor KPIs closely to understand this dynamic landscape better (Bounteous).

The March 2024 Core Update: A Game-Changer

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The Impact

The March 2024 Core Update brings substantial changes to Google’s algorithm, targeting low-quality, often AI-generated content. This update incorporates the Helpful Content System into the core algorithm, emphasizing user-centric approaches and combating spammy results (Spiceworks).

Surviving the Update

Websites encountering fluctuating ranks post-update should focus on producing high-quality, relevant, and trustworthy content. These updates highlight the importance of aligning SEO practices with user intent and refining strategies to keep pace with evolving algorithms (Yoast).

The Crossover with B2B SEO

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AI's Impact on B2B

For B2B companies, these changes mean incorporating AI's advanced capabilities, like Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning into their SEO strategies. This includes optimizing metadata, semantic tags, and internal linking to help search bots understand and crawl web pages more effectively (VendeDigital).

With less than half of Google searches resulting in website clicks since 2019, the integration of SGE could exacerbate this trend, potentially reducing traffic by up to 20% for some sites.


While the newly built Google Search AI is set to disrupt traditional SEO practices significantly, it's not the end of SEO as we know it. It’s an evolution. The shift towards understanding user intent, delivering personalized search results, and emphasizing content quality over keyword stuffing will redefine the SEO landscape. Businesses and SEO professionals must adapt to these changes, continually refining their strategies, investing in AI technologies, and staying abreast of algorithm updates.

So, to all the SEO enthusiasts out there—buckle up and get ready for an exhilarating ride. The future of search is here, and it’s powered by AI.

I hope you enjoyed this deep dive into the evolving world of SEO! For more detailed insights on SEO trends and AI’s impact, check out the articles from LinkedIn, Fathom, VendeDigital, Spiceworks, and Yoast.

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